Stream Projects Ltd
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  video editing
- Chroma Key Filming
  Streaming Servers




software development

Multimedia Software Production

At the core of our eSolutions is vast experience in Multimedia, including the very latest technologies. We can help you deliver your content and messages in an electronic format. Whether it is existing material or your up and coming event we can help you maximise it’s value.

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software development

Mobile App Development

We are in an age of "Mobile Mania" where every company wants a mobile app for their iPhone or iPad. We can help you to create an exciting app specific to your needs or you can take one of ours off the shelf and we can help you to rebrand it as yours.

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software development

Video production & Streaming

In this modern YouTube age of video streaming and pod casts, video is one of the most successful ways of engaging viewers and getting your message across. We can help YOU to make the most of YOUR highly polished content, by delivering the quality you demand in the way you need it. This can be as live streaming video to your desktop or straight to your mobile device.

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software development

Virtual Education

We understand and have the capability to turn your resources into great learning and educational packages. From bespoke self study CPD programmes to simple videos & quizzes we can help you.

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software development

Exhibition Technology

We understand the importance of attracting potential clients to your exhibition stand with a "WOW" factor, keeping them on the stand to educate them and then collecting their details to allow follow up.

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software development

Content Polishing

With our vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry we can also help you polish your content, whether as a script for a video shoot, down to checking references in your submission documents. We can help you.

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